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Happy Clients I Have Helped To Change Their Life


"Ana is an emotions' sorcerer. Her ability to see throughout what you’re saying and behaving has always blown me and guided me to a place of clarity, instead of confusion."

Lara Silva

Along the way, Ana has helped me like nobody has. With her emotional intelligence and empathy, she can perceive the state of mind I’m having – the reality I’ve been feeling, that doesn’t necessarily match with the truth – and lead me the way, step by step, wisely. Whenever I checked in with myself, after Ana’s questions, I saw enlightenment.
Ana is an emotions’ sorcerer. Her ability to see throughout what you’re saying and behaving has always blown me and guided me to a place of clarity, instead of confusion. You feel it’s almost magic.


“More than an exceptional coach, Ana is an incredible human (...). I highly recommend her to anyone looking for significant improvements in their personal and professional organization."

Rafael Daron

With her practical and empathetic approach, Ana revolutionized the way I communicate and organize my daily life.

Using agile methods like kanban and post-its, we co-created an effective strategy that simplified my life.

More than an exceptional coach, Ana is an incredible human being whose support was indispensable. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for significant improvements in their personal and professional organization.


“I feel much more confident and searching for a greater self-awareness and knowledge in the areas that were awakened during the coaching, both professionally and personally, which makes me happy."

Jessica Perín

Before working with Ana, I felt torn, feeling like I had to choose between having a successful career or a happy personal life. 

Working with Ana, helped me realise what was my heart’s true calling and how to communicate it assertively and compassionately.

I’m grateful to Ana for teaching me the tools that allow me to connect to myself daily and act accordingly.

I feel much more confident and searching for greater self-awareness and knowledge in the areas that were awakened during the coaching, both professionally and personally, which makes me happy.


“She really helped me and I always felt great after every session with her. It has made a huge impact on my life and especially on my work-life-balance. I feel way more balanced now."

Oli Nold

As an entrepreneur, I always lived a fast-paced life. Always on the go, building digital businesses from the ground up and, in a way, always chasing the next high of success.

Working with Ana helped to calm my anxiety, hone my focus, and better communicate with my girlfriend, so we could move forward as partners, both romantically and business-wise.

Ana really helped me and I always felt great after every session with her. It has made a huge impact on my life and especially on my work-life-balance. I feel way more balanced now.